Welcome Back

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OMG I'm back with a new look and feel!

Welcome back! I’ve redesigned my personal blog quite a bit. After being disenchated with hosted Wordpress for a while I’ve decided to save some money and try serving directly from a GCS storage bucket instead using Hugo as a framework and After Dark as a theme. I’ve always enjoyed the dark themes and this one particularly reminds me of the old BBS days.

I don’t really have any specific update with this post, however, rest assured there will be more content soon. I’m assuming however that most of the content I’ll be posting will be specifically related to book reviews.

Occasionally I’ll be sharing some tech news or tid bits, but I hate to dive into work stuff on my free time.

As for what I’m currently reading:

Behind the Urals by John Scott

I’m really enjoying this one. I’ve read a lot about Stalin and Soviet era Russia, including all the pamphlets and manifestos by Trotsky and Lenin, but this book come from the unique perspective of an American working in Magnitogorsk during the rush to industrialization. Magnitogorsk is a iron/steel town to be precise. It’s been really interesting to see the perspective of an American working in one of these cities during a time of discontent in the United States surrounding the Great Depression. Anyways, I’m not finished yet, so I’ll post a more thorough review later.