
Rust Mods So Far

4 minute read Published:

Rust modding -- RustEdit, SteamCMD, Visual Studio 19...
I’ve been playing around the past couple of weeks with modding Rust maps and behaviour. With the little amount so far I’ve spent modding, I thought I’d write down my experiences with the tools I’ve used so far. SteamCMD First we use SteamCMD to download and run our local server. Rustafied provides and excellent walk through with how to use SteamCMD to download, install, and run your own local Rust server for development purposes.

Mortal Kombat Movie 2021 (Releases April 16 HBOMax)

3 minute read Published:

I am way too excited for this new movie... Mortal Kombat, a brief history in my life.
I grew up with Mortal Kombat. In fact, I’d easily submit that Mortal Kombat was one of the first arcade games that I was excited to play for extended periods of time. I can specifically remember standing in line the day it was first available at the Wild Waters arcade in Boise Idaho, amazed at all the awesome fatalities. Usually we’d go there to swim all day – but not this day.

Spring Cloud GCP Pubsub Consumer Deserialization

3 minute read Published:

Having issues deserializing pubsub message with Spring Cloud?
Lately I’ve been working on a project where we’re consuming messages from a Google PubSub topic. Whenever it comes to consuming or producing data from middleware typically Spring Cloud Stream is my go to framework and project. The special thing about SCS is that you can change binders, or middleware rather, at will. While it may seem unlikely that you’ll ever be switching middleware on a regular basis, it does indeed happen.

The Midnight Library by Matt Haig

3 minute read Published:

RATING: 3 of 5 stars
I wanted to get my thoughts about this book recorded before they left me and I begin on another book. I went into this book as a blind buy from Amazon. Recently I had read The Four Winds by Kristin Hannah (which was great) and it made me yearn a bit more for some more popular contemporary reading. So this is a result of an impulse buy from the current bestseller list.

Prediction: International Communication via social media is working to bring us together, finally.

4 minute read Published:

The internet can be used for things other than trolling on twitter.
I’m not a huge fan of video bloggers in general. I mean, I watch my share of youtube videos as does everyone else, and I can get dragged into the youtube blackhole late at night where I’m binging one video after another. Most video bloggers, at least in the United States which end up on trending, are usually over produced and come off as cheesy and created specifically for clickbait. Because of that I tend to stay away from trending videos when it comes to video blogging.

Welcome Back

2 minute read Published:

OMG I'm back with a new look and feel!
Welcome back! I’ve redesigned my personal blog quite a bit. After being disenchated with hosted Wordpress for a while I’ve decided to save some money and try serving directly from a GCS storage bucket instead using Hugo as a framework and After Dark as a theme. I’ve always enjoyed the dark themes and this one particularly reminds me of the old BBS days. I don’t really have any specific update with this post, however, rest assured there will be more content soon.